Saturday, August 18, 2012

LED Tester for your Remote Control

Did you know that you can easily test your remote control to see if it's the battery or if the LED light is dead?? All you need is a digital camera. Even your phone camera will work!!

Just turn the camera on and point it towards the little light at the end of the remote. Test each button by pressing it. The LED light will flash in the view finder. That's all there is to it!!

So, need a replacement for your DVD remote cuz the dog ate it??

Or maybe it got lost in that old couch??

You wanta watch that movie but you can't find the durn thing!!!

Well, maybe I can help!! I have two working DVD remote controls listed right now!! Check them out at KornKountryTreasures and see if this will get  you out of your predicament with the lost control.

Now, if this isn't what you need, just check around on Lots of great deals and great sellers. And if you are looking for something particular, just sign up FREE as a buyer and make your request known under Want to Buy in the Chats. Sometimes, someone has EXACTLY what you are lookin' for!!!

Have a super day!!! And Thank You!!