This is such an exceptional find, I just had to share it!!
~ Mother's Day ~
Made By The
Sunday School Publishing Board in
Nashville, Tennessee

Here for your consideration is a super Pin Back Button...Look at the picture & compare it to the dime beside it.
This button is as the picture shows...

Early Pin Back
Features White Carnation on Celluloid Front...
Haven't attempted to clean any of my buttons.

Made by S S Pub Board Nashville Tenn
Sunday School Publishing Board, Nashville, Tennessee
My research revealed that the last report from this publisher was in 1914--the year that Mother's Day was formally announced and made legal by President Wilson. I think that is quite interesting, don't you. Here is the link where I found that info.
And another Note:
"Finally the holiday was declared officially by states beginning in 1912, and in 1914 the President, Woodrow Wilson, declared the first national Mother's Day."
Please note that this was a BLACK Church Publisher...affiliated with the BLACK Baptists.
So, this pin is from 1914-- or EARLIER--It could be from 1912-1914!
So this is a super cross-over collectible item, and could be quite rare...I know, I grew up with antique dealer parents, and I have been dealing stuff my entire life, and I haven't seen a lot of these.
I attempted to photograph the mark in the above picture.
I am selling my collection of buttons...look at my auctions for neat, interesting & unusual ones...
So, check out Classic_Chloe's store! She does such a remarkable research on her pieces!
And, as always, check out the other stores on Great sellers, great values and great items!
Excellent post! I forgot all about Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day CN!!!
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