Monday, November 21, 2011

Dave's Dirty Little Secret..

Hot Wheels! He's got a closet full of em! His brother lives in Tennessee, and is also an avid when they find ones they think the other would like they mail them back and forth.. Some boys never grow up...and that's the way I like it!

If you're a die-cast car collector, you might be interested in these beauties here at!

Cute little Hyper Mite from neatsuff333

I prefer this type of horsepower!


Supergranny said...

Your little horsies are beautiful!

chateycathey said...

I love the little horses and the hot wheels are great stocking stuffers.

kornkountrytreasures said...

Ah, look at the bright side!! At least they are LITTLE cars!! Love the horses!!

I've always gotten my grandson hot wheels for Christmas!! You are right, perfect for the stocking!!

CurioCache said...

Horses make great stocking stuffers, too!! ;)